Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Letter to the future

Dear, future grandchild 

By definition consumerism is “a social and economic order that encourages the purchase of goods and services in ever-greater amounts.”  The consumer culture is our society that is trying to grab hold our attention for advertising and selling products.  The advertisers will use many different techniques to get your attention, some techniques are slogans and sex appeal.  Marketing agencies use these techniques to manipulate people into buying their products.  They blind you with eye pleasing advertisements like commercials and billboards.  They don’t tell you the negative affects of buying their products for example, processed food, or that their products are planned obsolescence meaning made for the trash.  My advice to you is to keep your eyes open and see past the marketing agencies.  Don’t conform to society.  Just because everyone has this one product and it is advertised so well that doesn’t mean it’s the best product of its kind.  In the future I’m assuming our technology will be much more advanced so that means media will be around you even more.  You are influenced by the media everywhere to conform and you think it won’t conform you, but by thinking that you actually conform even more.  

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